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Conrad and Amelia Boehler - Golden Wedding Anniversary |
The following was posted in the local newspaper about their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1925:
"On January 12, 1875, Conrad Boehler and Amelia Spitley were united in the bonds of matrimony at the Catholic church at Lincoln, Illinois, Rev. J. Schmidt officiating. The groom, a native of Baden, Germany was a soldier in the Franco-Prussian War leaving the fatherland for the New World at the close of the war, arriving in New York in 1872. The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spitley, was born and grew to womanhood in the vicinity of Lincoln, Illinois.
The young couple engaged in farming near Lincoln, Illinois. They left Illinois, heading for the land of opportunity in 1878 settling near Beatrice, Nebr. In 1893 they located in Harlan county on the farm now owned and tilled by Frank Boehler a son.
In 1908, having through thrift and frugality, accumulated a competence Mr. and Mrs. Boehler retired from agricultural pursuits and moved into their beautiful home in Alma, Nebraska.
On January 12th the Golden Anniversary was celebrated. At 9 a.m. the family and many friends attended mass at St. Joseph's Church, Rev. R. J. Healey, celebrant. Father Healey paid a beautiful tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Boehler in an eloquent ten minute sermon. At mid-day the wedding party autoed to the old home. A Golden Wedding ceremony performed by Rev. Healey was followed by a sumptuous repast partaken of by the immediate family and Rev. R. J. Healey of Alma and Rev. J. L. O'Donnell of Roseland, Nebraska.
The wedding party returned to the Alma home, where from two till five and from seven till ten o'clock p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Boehler kept open house greeting the numbers friends calling.
The decorations of white and gold were mostly of flowers and and were very tasty. On the table, a beautiful bridal cake, from the Petey Bakery, for a center piece, with elaborate decorations of cut glass and silver greeted the eye in the dining room.
Exceedingly tasty refreshments of coffee, ice cream, cake and fruit cocktail was served during the reception.
In the afternoon Mesdames W. G. Haskell, W. D. Flanigan and H. M. Mead were hostesses. In the evening the hostesses were Mesdames S. C. Gould, Fred Colgan and Miss Lula Haskell.
A fine and highly appreciated part of the evening program were the musical numbers by Mrs. C. G. Gould, of Alma and Mrs. H. McCaffrey of Orleans, Miss Lula Haskell, accompanist.
Many old time melodies were rendered in a most pleasing manner. The most pleasing feature of the occasion was the present of all the surviving children: Joseph J., Frank X., and Caroline of Alma; Dr. G. M. Boehler and E. C. Boehler of Omaha.
From the children, Mr. and Mrs. Boehler received a beautiful gold watch, elaborately engraved; Mrs. Boehler being remembered with a lovely gold circle ring.
Grandfather received a gold Eversharp and Grandmother a gold thimble from the grand children.
They have rounded out fifty years of married life, forty-seven of which were allotted to Nebraska. The trials and tribulations, the joys and sorrows of those early days can be appreciated only by the pioneers who shared them. That they have been useful, well-spent years was evidenced by the hosts of friends who greeted them on their joyous anniversary and who wish them many more years of the contentment and comfort they so richly deserve."
#52Ancestors #First
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